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Player Skill

Aug 24, 20:51

Player skill is not really what it seems. It’s definitely not just button mashing.

It has several components, all of them are important when determining success.

  • Courage. Being able to put unusual ideas on table without fear of rejection. Actually going out there and doing something instead of dismissing it as certain failure.
  • Personality. Making friends who will help out and keep them. Not fearing to ask for help. Helping others to cooperate by resolving heated situations and by keeping good mood.
  • Selflessness. When it comes to playing unpopular, but needed roles, being the one who temporarily abandons his preferred gameplay style for good of party. Being able to follow lead.
  • Respect and Honor. When someone else makes mistake, pointing it out, but without belittling him. Not abandoning team because of minor setbacks. Being able to give out advice. Even when someone is completely unsuited for tactics you have in mind, telling him reason when you abandon him so that he can improve.
  • Wisdom. Ability to seen ones own mistakes and limits and undoing them. Ability to listen to advice, and to act on it.
  • Creativity. Approaching new situations with clean mind and not just reusing old tactics automatically. Taking in concept and perfecting it. Not clinging on old stuff that just works when there is something new that works better.
  • Knowledge of game mechanics. Knowing what works and what does not. Being able to communicate it to people who don’t.

Being good player is a lot of thing, but being decent human being comes first, because without it you just can’t play on higher level, or hope to achieve something in game when skill matters.





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