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Grint, part 1: Definition

Aug 24, 21:29

Grind is term based on MMO games with many definitions, to make sure this goes in right way, lets define it:

Grind means that ot reach goal players uses repetative actions requiring little thought and no variation. Each succesfull iteration puts player closer to goal but does not reach goal itself. In the end player is rewarded with more power. or simply: Task where main challenge is having enough time to complete it and/or to find exploit which enables faster completition.

Usually, reward of grind is highly desirable and even status symbol, but sometimes it is simple necesity to stay competitive (i.e. farming for Potions or for money for weapon repairs.)

Examples of grind:

  • Job Skills like fishing or alchemy – Theese give little challenge on themselves
  • Leveling – Once players run out of quests to fuell experience, all that is left is killing one mob, usually there is always best mob to level on for each level.
  • Quests requring X quantity of enemies slain or X quantity of drops collected.




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