Deprecated: Function set_magic_quotes_runtime() is deprecated in /DISK2/WWW/ on line 14 Fate of Heroes Developer diary: History, part 4

History, part 4

Aug 24, 20:28

Fast forward two years to year 2005. Learned JAVA, decided it is hot and decided to code. Something. For first time I finally didn’t bother with ruleset :), but bothered with creating “vision document”.

Result is here: Meh, lame. But hey, you can play it online (sorta, not actuall multiplayer included). Also has three types of loot.

Shameless envy to mr. Tomas Biskup for being able to get similar thing moving ensues.

Somewhere along the road I got interested in indie games which manage to become popular and build community. Sad truth is that you need exceptional offline indie game to gather some following, while you don’t need such excellence while you make game which supports multiplayer. It still needs to be fun thou. Games like The Neutral Zone or Outer Space for example.

Amd experience with MMO games altered view on how Online persistend games should NOT be built or played.

What follow is idea that RPG, moveover MMO type one, should not attempt to bribe player to continue playing with shiney toys.

Holy grail lies in game where players have lots of thing to do, to try, to tinker with while no content becomes obsolete and where rewards and goals in no way cause other gameplay elements to be pointless. This reads like preterndious bable actually.





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