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History, part 2

Aug 24, 17:56

In our todays history lesson, we will examine next attempt that apeerend about one year later. Which is in fact pretty much attempt from part one, but elaborated. Which means that suckiness was increased. Rules became a bit more detailed, but details were quite useless pointless stuff (sub-races for example) that should appear when basics were solid.

So lesson is: Do not overengineer. Do not start with everything including kitchen sink. It is unmamageable. And result sucks.

In paralell, actually playable game was developed. If you ever played exile, you should get idea how it graphics looked like. What was finished was egine for terrain and interacting with it, item handling and turn based combat system (thats, turns minus combat). This was written in Visual Basic and followed sane coding convenction of BRPG, so it means that it is currently incomrehensible. Okay, you got me, it was not really playable unless you enjoy walking around aimlessly. Still was fun to code thou because GUI was pretty much all composed off custom controls.

Compare: playable BRPG in its awfull glory versus Foh, the lame versions i am not proud of at all. Eww.

Also, some kind of backstory started to appear. Only remedying fact is that it did not inclue ninjas and pirates.





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